Sustainable: we mind our CO2 footprint



As a family-run and owned company, it is important to us to demonstrate long-term responsibility - we think for generations to come. Sustainable economic practises and social commitment are values we live by.
We strive for a responsible dealing with resources, relationships with customers, suppliers and employees, based on partnership and respect, as well as social commitment in associations in our region.

Nature Employees Region

Our carbon footprint

√  Product carbon footprint and corporate carbon footprint available for 2022 for Mayen

√  Will be updated continuously going forward

√  Approach and calculation certified by TÜV Rheinland

√  Lowering our carbon footprint is one of our priorities for the coming years

We are happy to provide further information on request.


Reducing our environmental footprint

Icon Solar power

>1m KWh produced on our roofs (p.a.)


Icon compressor

Installation of new and more efficient compressors


Icon LED lighting

Optimized LED lighting


Icon Water consumption

New quick plate cleaner to reduce water consumption


Icon energy scouts

Energy Scouts


Icon flocculant

Switch to more efficient flocculant for wastewater


Icon dryer

New dryer for flexo folder gluer to reduce energy consumption


Icon centralization

Centralization of warehouses to reduce transportation


Icon reduce reject rate

Continuous improvement efforts to reduce reject rate


Icon solar power

Photovoltaics extension planned for 2024/25


Our raw materials



Recycled paper

Based on 100% waste paper


Good to know

80% of the paper we use is recycled paper and to avoid long transportation distances, we source >80% in Germany


Kraft paper

Sourced from responsibly managed forests in Europe (FSC-certified)


Good to know

Forests in Sweden have more than doubled over the last 100 years and for each tree that is felled, 2-3 new trees are planted

Kraft Paper



For flexo printing water-based; for offset plant-oil based; both are suitable for direct food contact



Based on wheat starch, free from borax and phthalate-based plasticisers

Let‘s reduce the environmental impact together


√  Reduce grammage

√  Optimize pallet and truck utilization

√  Implement fibre-based handles, adhesive tapes and tear strips

√  Replace plastic with paper-based solutions

Waste Paper
Beste Azubis

Our employees, our team


√  As a family business, we care about our employees and value their great experience and loyalty

√  On average, our employees have been with the company for 21 years

√  However, with 25 apprentices  at the moment we also invest in the future

√  Since 2003, we offer an employee participation programme so our employees can benefit from the succees of the company


Our certificates

Sustainable management practices have been a topic for us for decades

Certificate ISO 9001:2015

ISO 9001:2015


Certificate ISO 50001:2018

ISO 50001:2018


FSC Certification

FSC® Certification 


GMP Certificate Mayen

GMP certification Mayen


Certificate GMP Föhren

Certification GMP Föhren


Our commitment to the region

exemplary institutions and projects we are supporting

Icon cultural

Local cultural institutions


Icon sports

Local sports clubs


Icon kindergarden

Local kindergardens and schools